2024 Suzuki Weekend Away.

And the Winner is…


Well it certainly wasn’t this group pictured here, however ‘We’ did achieve a highly commendable third place out of 40-odd teams. Now that’s quite impressive for a dubious mix of various journalists and their partners, and the reward was a 3rd placed medal to proudly display at their homes, made from a not very exotic material - tremendous all the same.


A far better result than Hazel and myself achieved last year when a violent front wheel puncture ended our quest for fame, and we sadly had to retire. This traumatic retirement haunted us for the rest of the year, well maybe a little. Not so in 2024 and the iconic Suzuki Weekend Away was a resounding success of note. Held once again at the Numbi hotel in Hazyview from the 8th to the 10th of June, and yes, it was a bit chilly seeing as we’re well into winter and hence the shrinking of the reproductive organs and chattering teeth was mandatory, well mine at least. Still the games and activity venues were memorable on every count once again, as you can see from these images. 



The very clever adoption of phone technology was once again used to direct riders, and car drivers, to their next destination where various activities commenced. There were also numerous questions to answer before the next route opened, covering around 200km+\- before returning back to the hotel. The whole event takes around eight hours depending on how clever (questionable) you are and how long it takes to take photographs (copious giggling hinders this), to load onto the App for your specific team, which are relayed to Base Camp at the hotel. These photos are primarily what wins you the event and according to the judges ours were the best - so there! Still didn’t win though. In fact ‘We’ were told we only lost to first place by around 100 points (what a picture carries), so it must have been the girls fault somewhere along the line, right girls? I look forward to the response, which’ll probably be strong verbal abuse and a flat hand.



Anyway, childishly pointing fingers aside we did enjoy the new bikes we rode over the weekend, being the new GSX-8R and the GSX-S 1000 GX. I’ll cover those in our New Rides section in the near future. The scenery around this area of SA is truly spectacular and well worth a visit if you’ve never been, even for Adventure bikes. There was a class for ‘them’ this year but with a poor turnout of only ONE, after many requests to do so, that part was a little disappointing. So I’d predict it’ll be road riding only in 2025. 



Solving puzzles, taking pictures, discovering things, is all what the Suzuki Weekend Away event is all about, and of course bonding with team mates and other competitors. You don’t have to ride a Suzuki bike either to enter, so there’s no excuse to not participate next year?



Let’s not forget one of the main reasons for attending a Suzuki Weekend Away, it’s one hell of a party. The night after the riding finishes, in the main hall, is filled with alcohol consumption, more games, lots of prizes, and awards, all expertly performed by the Dream Team who host the event. Not forgetting the input and arranging from Suzuki motorcycles HQ and all from there, oh, and the Numbi hotel for exceptionally nice food and accommodation. 



Be warned, by the time you return home on the Sunday you’ll be exhausted both physically and mentally, which shows you’ve had an outstanding experience, which we most evidently did. Suzuki motorcycles, The Dream Team, plus all the staff involved need a medal for hosting this 2024 event, but they’re definitely not having mine as I wear it daily, perhaps? Make it a plan for next year folks, you won’t regret it, that’s for sure.


Check out   www.dreamteam.co.za/about-us  and please use them for any event you choose, because their expertise is exemplary.  

Also use www.hotelnumbi.co.za for accommodation in that stunning area of SA, at any time of the year - all motorcyclists welcome.

And of course the www.suzukimotorcycle.co.za tribe, Mbali, Stuart, Kyle and Corrie for another wonderful time. 

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